Noć, misterija...UBISTVO! Krojač �ivi sam u velikom zapu�tenom stanu. On je pla�ljiva osoba koju pla�i kontakt sa spoljnim svetom i od njega ga odvajaju glomazne brave na vratima. Jedini kontak sa spoljnim svetom je prozor zgrade prekoputa gde krojač povremeno posmatra ples devojke iz kom�iluka. Igračice. Njega povremeno posećuje Lepotica, fam-fatal zavodnica u koju je Krojač zaljubljen. Ona je opasna �ena,i grabljivica koja se igra sa Krojačem kao sa nekom igračkom. On za nju �ije prelepu crvenu haljinu a ona mu u zamenu za to pru�a dozirane izraze ljubavi i zahvalnosti. Krojač ne zna da je Lepotica povezana sa Pukovnikom koji je sadistički zaljubljen u nju a Pukovnik je opasan čovek. Lepotica jedne noći pobegne od Pukovnika. Dolazi kod Krojača i od njega tra�i pomoć. Posle Lepoticine ispovesti i suza Krojač na to pristaje, i predla�e joj da pobegnu iz grada ...
Night, mistery� MURDER! The Tailor lives alone in his unattended apartment. He is a tremulous person, afraid of the contact with the outside world from which he is separated by cumbersome locks at his doors. The only contact with the outside world is the widow of the nearby building where the tailor sometimes sees a girl dancing. He is also sometimes visited by the Beauty, a femme-fatale, a seducer that is playing with the Tailor like with a toy. He is sawing a beautiful red dress for her, and she is paying him with dosed amounts of love and appreciation. He doesn�t know that Beauty is connected with the Colonel, a dangerous man who is sadistically in love with her. One night Beauty escapes from Colonel and comes to the Tailor to ask for help, and he suggests that they leave the city...
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