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Availibility: 5-10 Tage

24,99 EUR

Destroying cockroaches in bakery storehouse is the first mission entrusted by the baker to his 15-years old son, hoping this will promote him from the world of dreams to the world of hard workers. Father finds reasons for his son's job failure in unsettled sexual life, and takes him to a motel. Since this try is also unsuccessful, father gives up. The boy will be led into the world of sex by his debauchee aunt, in a manner that suits her.


Uništavanje bubašvaba u magacinu pekare je prvi zadatak koji pekar poverava svome petnaestogodišnjem sinu, nadajući se da će ga tako iz sveta sanjalica prevesti u svet trudbenika. Razlog za neuspeh u poslu otac nalazi u decakovom nesređenom seksualnom životu, pa ga vodi u jedan motel. Pošto i taj pokušaj ostaje bez uspeha, otac diže ruke. Decaka će u svet seksa uvesti tetka, raspuštenica, na njoj svojstveni nacin.